Second grade girls and boys work toward the Wolf rank. Wolf Scouts get to play games, make fun things, learn about wildlife, spend lots of time outside, and best of all – have fun! The Wolf rank is earned by completing six required adventures and least two elective adventures Each adventure is designed to help the Scout have fun and learn useful skills.

Wolf Rank Requirements
1. Complete all six required adventures
- Bobcat (Character & Leadership)
- Council Fire (Citizenship)
- Footsteps (Family & Reverence)
- Paws on the Path (Outdoors)
- Running With the Pack (Personal Fitness)
- Safety in Numbers (Personal Safety)
2. Complete at least two elective adventures
- A Wolf Goes Fishing
- Adventures in Coins
- Air of the Wolf
- Champions for Nature
- Code of the Wolf
- Computing Wolves
- Cubs Who Care
- Digging in the Past
- Finding Your Way
- Germs Alive!
- Let’s Camp Wolf
- Paws for Water
- Paws of Skills
- Pedal With the Pack
- Race Time
- Spirit of the Water
- Summertime Fun Wolf
- Range and Target Activities – Archery*
- Range and Target Activities – BB Gun*
- Range and Target Activities – Slingshot*
* These adventures can only be completed at a Council-supported activity, such as Family Adventure Camp, Cub Scout Summer Camp, or Day Camp as they require certified instructors to deliver the adventure in a safe environment.
Wolf Scouts wear the official navy blue Cub Scout Youth Uniform Shirt and a Cub Scout Cut-To-Fit Uniform Web Belt.
- If a new uniform shirt is needed then it is recommended that you purchase the official shirt for your Scout in-person at the Dan Beard Council Scout Shop as the shirt will come with the American Flag patch, official Dan Beard Council patch, and World Crest Emblem patch pre-placed. It may also include the 1910 World Crest Ring Emblem patch, which is optional. You will just need to additionally purchase the red numerals for 20, which refers to Pack 3020 and is placed directly below the Dan Beard Council patch on the left sleeve. The appropriate Cub Scout Den Numeral patch that would be placed under the American Flag on the right sleeve is optional.
- It is best to purchase the shirt a few sizes too large so that your Scout can ideally wear it for the next four years, until graduating to a Scouts BSA Troop.
- The Cub Scout Web Belt is purposely sold long so that it can be cut-to-fit for your Scout. Leave the belt 25%-33% longer then necessary so that it will still be large enough as the Scout grows. Additional length can always be cut off, if necessary, but not added back!
- Official Cub Scout uniform pants/shorts/skorts, socks, Wolf Uniform Cap, Wolf Neckerchief, and Wolf Neckerchief Slide are all optional.
- Please refer to the Uniform FAQ for additional information.
The Cub Scout Wolf Handbook is recommended for the Scout to have and use during the program year, but not required.
Den 2 (boys and girls)
Den Activities
- Den 2 typically meets on the first or second Tuesday of the month from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at different outing locations in and around Madeira, or at the Madeira Elementary School.
- On occasion, Tuesday meetings are replaced with a weekend outing depending on various factors such as available daylight, weather considerations, and location availability.
- To receive a copy of the 2024-2025 Wolf Adventure Calendar, please contact Darcy or Craig (see below).

Den Leadership
Den Leader

Darcy has a family history rich in Scouting and currently has a son in the Wolf Den, a son in the Webelos Den, and another son aspiring to be a Lion Scout soon. She was the Tiger Den Leader for 2021-2022 and 2023-2024, the Lion Den Leader for 2022-2023, and has earned the following Scouting awards:
- 2023 – Little Miami District Outstanding Den Leader Award
- 2024 – Little Miami District Key Leader Award
- 2024 – Cub Scout Den Leader Training Award
When not Scouting, Darcy loves dancing, travel, and games.
Assistant Den Leader

Craig is an Eagle Scout and his daughter in the Wolf Den. He was the Assistant Den Leader (ADL) of the Lion Den for 2022-2023, ADL of the Tiger Den for 2023-2024, and also volunteers in other Scouting positions including:
- Pack 20 Religious Emblems Coordinator
- Pack 20 Training Chair
- Pack 20 YPT Champion
- Little Miami District Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner
- Little Miami District Family Scouting Promotions Chair
- Little Miami District Training Chair
- Little Miami District Unit Commissioner
- Dan Beard Council Assistant Council Commissioner for Technology and Renewals
- Dan Beard Council Alumni Association Founder and Membership and Communications Chair.
- Dan Beard Council Eagle Scout Association Membership and Communications Chair
- Dan Beard Council Marketing Committee Member
- Dan Beard Council Outdoor Ethics Committee Member
- Dan Beard Council STEM Committee Member
When not Scouting, Craig enjoys board games, home improvement, and coffee roasting.
Assistant Den Leader

Join Us!
We need your help! If you’d be interested in becoming an adult leader to help the Den or Pack 20, please send a message to the Den Leaders or contact the Pack using the button below and we can arrange a time to meet and answer any questions that you might have. We look forward to hearing from you!

Join Us!
We need your help! If you’d be interested in becoming an adult leader to help the Den or Pack 20, please send a message to the Den Leaders or contact the Pack using the button below and we can arrange a time to meet and answer any questions that you might have. We look forward to hearing from you!